【NEW】Thanks for waiting!★2024 LIMITED HAPPY DOLL MODEL★

☆E/mary's hair color in 2024 will be mint green☆
*The limited edition Happy Doll for the birthday celebration will be sold as a set of doll + dragon romper + postcard + special bag.

*Limit 3 per person

*Click here to purchase the limited edition Happy Doll 2024 model → [CLICK]

What is ILEMER Island's Birthday Festival?


Then, girls who looked just like E/mary but with different hair colors appeared! E/mary was a quintuplet!

However, she only had quintuplets on this day. By the time the date changed, the quintuplets were gone and E/mary hair was yellow.

Hair color for 2024 is a soothing "mint green".

One day, E/mary had a dream in which she was forced to eat broccoli, which she hates. With a mountain of broccoli in front of her on a plate, E/mary wanted to somehow escape from this broccoli hell.

Then, E/mary hair turned a beautiful green color, wings sprouted from her back, and she took the form of a dragon.

E/mary flew away from the scene and successfully escaped from the broccoli hell. However, when she wakes up, her breakfast salad is filled with a mountain of broccoli. In the end, Emarie can't escape broccoli.

*The Birthday Festival Limited Happy Doll will be sold as a set of doll + dragon romper + postcard + special bag.
*Limit of 3 per person
*Click here to purchase the Happy Doll 2024 Limited Edition model → [CLICK]

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